3kg gammon
2 litres cider 
1 litre water 
4 clementines 
15 cloves 
200g honey  


Place the gammon joint into a large pan and cover with cider and water. 
Cut the clementines in half and add to the pan. 
Bring the pan up to the boil and simmer for 2-3 hours or until the core temperature is above 70°c
Carefully lift the joint out of the pan and place in an oven proof dish. 
Cut the string or net away and remove the skin, but not the fat. 
Using a sharp knife score a fat in a diamond shape and push the cloves into the cross.
Pour the honey over the ham and place in a preheated oven 180°c for 20 minutes until caramelised. 
If you find the ham is not as caramelised as you would like use a blow torch to finish.  
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