Serves 4


1.5kg Skirt beef

2 Onions

Salt and pepper

2 tbsp olive oil

2 tbsp smoked paprika

1 tsp Ground cumin

1 Red chilli chopped

200ml Beer

400g Chopped tinned tomatoes

1/2 pint beef stock

20g 70% Dark chocolate

6 Sweet potatoes

150ml Sour cream

1 handful fresh coriander

2 Limes

Here’s how

Place the sweet potatoes on a baking tray and cook in the oven for 40 minutes until soft in the middle.

Preheat a large saucepan on medium heat.

Slice the skirt beef as thinly as possible and add to the pan with a little olive oil.

Season with salt, pepper, smoked paprika and cumin.

Add the chopped chilli.

Turn the heat up and cook for 5-6 minutes.

Add the beer and tinned tomatoes and continue to cook at a simmer until it reduces by half.

Add the dark chocolate and taste for seasoning.

When the potatoes are cooked, place in serving bowls and cut open.

Top with the beef and served with sour cream, chopped coriander and a wedge of lime.